The factory in "Mexicans Begin Jogging was under investigation for (1 point)

Some possible reasons for the factory in "Mexicans Begin Jogging" being under investigation could include:

1. Violation of labor laws: The factory could be under investigation for exploiting or mistreating its workers, such as by paying below minimum wage, subjecting them to hazardous working conditions, or denying them their basic rights.

2. Environmental violations: The factory might be under investigation for polluting the environment, such as by emitting harmful chemicals into the air or water, improper waste disposal, or violating regulations related to environmental protection.

3. Tax evasion: The factory could be under investigation for engaging in illegal practices to avoid paying taxes, such as underreporting income, making false claims for deductions, or engaging in other fraudulent activities.

4. Immigration-related issues: The factory might be under investigation for employing undocumented workers or not properly verifying the legal status of their employees. This could involve offenses related to hiring, documentation, or living conditions.

5. Product safety concerns: The factory could be under investigation for producing unsafe or substandard products that pose a threat to consumers. This could involve issues such as using faulty materials, inadequate quality control measures, or violating safety regulations.