Eve plays basketball. She makes 6 free throws for every 3 free throws that she misses. If she missed 24 free throws at her last practice, how many free throws did she make?

select from the choices below
A. 18
B. 48
C. 144
D. 432

Let's assume that Eve made x free throws.

According to the problem, she makes 6 free throws for every 3 free throws that she misses. So, she made x/3 free throws that she missed.
We also know that she missed 24 free throws. So, x/3 = 24.
To solve for x, we multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to get x = 24*3 = <<24*3=72>>72.
Therefore, Eve made 72 free throws.
The correct answer is B. 48.