Using the diagram below, which location will experience night time next?

The first thing we learned about in our seasons unit was the difference between rotation and revolution of the Earth.

The rotation of the Earth on its own axis takes 24 hours to complete one time. The rotation of Earth causes day and night.
If the speed of Earth's rotation changed, the length of day and night would change.
The Earth rotates counterclockwise.
What would happen if the Earth begin to rotate faster? Since rotation impacts day and night, if the Earth rotated faster, our days would be shorter than 24 hours. Using the chart below, which of the planets rotates the fastest? The slowest?

Since Jupiter has the shortest day, it rotates the fastest. Venus rotates the slowest.
Using the diagram below, which position will experience night time next?
Position C will experience night time next because the Earth is rotating counterclockwise, which is from left to right. You do need to pay attention to the which side the Sun is on and visualize the left to right counterclockwise direction.
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Using the diagram below, which location will experience night time next?





According to the information provided in the diagram, location B will experience night time next.