What is the sum of the fractions? Simplify your answer.

1116 + 316

The sum of the fractions 1116 and 316 is 1432.

What is the sum of the fractions? Simplify your answer.

11/16 + 3/16

The sum of the fractions 11/16 and 3/16 is 14/16.

its incorrect

I apologize for the mistake. You are right.

The correct sum of the fractions 11/16 and 3/16 is 14/16. However, we can simplify this fraction further.

By dividing the numerator and denominator of 14/16 by their greatest common divisor, which is 2, we get:

14/16 = (14/2)/(16/2) = 7/8.

Therefore, the simplified sum of the fractions 11/16 and 3/16 is 7/8.

Identify the missing denominator in the addition expression 8/11+1/?

To find the missing denominator, we need to determine what should be added to 1 to get a sum with a denominator of 11.

Since 11 is a prime number, we can't directly find a common factor. However, we can see that if we multiply 1 by 11, the resulting fraction will have a denominator of 11.

Therefore, the missing denominator in the addition expression 8/11 + 1/? is 11.

Identify the missing numerator in the addition expression 13/24 + ?/24 = 19/24

To find the missing numerator, we can subtract the numerator of the given fraction from the numerator of the sum:

Antecedent - Consequent = Difference

19/24 - 13/24 = ?/24

The numerator of the sum is 19. The numerator of the given fraction is 13.

Therefore, the missing numerator in the addition expression 13/24 + ?/24 = 19/24 is 6.

Joslani is making slime and the recipe calls for 58 teaspoon of coloring. He only has a 1/8 measurin/g tool available. How many times will he need to fill his measuring spoon to have enough coloring to follow the recipe?