In a recent year, there were 40 accidents in commercial aviation among major airlines over 8.2 million departures. Find the accident rate in units of accidents per 100,000

departures. Round to two decimal places.

To find the accident rate in units of accidents per 100,000 departures, we first need to convert the total number of departures to units of 100,000. There are 8.2 million departures, which is equal to 820,000 x 10, or 820,000 x 100,000 in units of 100,000.

The accident rate is then calculated by dividing the number of accidents (40) by the total number of departures (820,000 x 100,000) and multiplying by 100,000, to express the rate per 100,000 departures.

Accident rate = (Number of accidents / Total number of departures) x 100,000

Accident rate = (40 / (820,000 x 100,000)) x 100,000

Accident rate ≈ 0.004878 x 100,000

Accident rate ≈ 487.80

Therefore, the accident rate in units of accidents per 100,000 departures is approximately 487.80.