
Use the image to answer the question.

A grid is shown with a rectangle drawn on it. The rectangle is 8 units long and 4 units wide, labeled with 8 and 4 respectively.

Scale: 1 box = 3 inches

Convert this scale drawing of a bureau drawer so that it has a scale of 1 box = 6 inches. The length in the scale drawing shown is 8 boxes. What will be the length in boxes of the new scale drawing?

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To convert the scale drawing from a scale of 1 box = 3 inches to 1 box = 6 inches, we need to double the length of each box.

In the original scale drawing, the rectangle has a length of 8 boxes.

Therefore, in the new scale drawing with a scale of 1 box = 6 inches, the length of the rectangle will be 2 times the original length, which is 8 x 2 = 16 boxes.


I apologize for the mistake.

To convert the scale drawing from a scale of 1 box = 3 inches to 1 box = 6 inches, we need to consider the ratio of the two scales.

The ratio of the new scale to the original scale is 6 inches / 3 inches = 2.

To find the length in boxes of the new scale drawing, we need to multiply the length in boxes of the original scale drawing by this ratio.

In the original scale drawing, the rectangle has a length of 8 boxes.

Thus, in the new scale drawing with a scale of 1 box = 6 inches, the length of the rectangle will be 8 boxes x 2 = 16 boxes.