john calculates his salary for the year, his salary (Y) can be modeled by the equation y = 0.28x + 38.000 where x is the total amount of items sold every year and the Y intercept is (0,38). what is the slope of the equation?

The slope of the equation is 0.28.

what does the slope mean in context?

In this context, the slope of the equation represents the amount by which John's salary increases for each additional item sold. Specifically, for every additional unit of x (total amount of items sold), John's salary (Y) increases by 0.28 units.

If john made $45,000 total annual salary, how much was his total sales?

We can use the equation y = 0.28x + 38,000 to solve for the total sales (x) when John's total annual salary (y) is $45,000.

Substituting y = 45,000 into the equation, we have:

45,000 = 0.28x + 38,000

To isolate x, we subtract 38,000 from both sides:

7,000 = 0.28x

Dividing both sides by 0.28, we get:

x = 25,000

Therefore, John's total sales were $25,000.