Which of following quotes shows that some of the original material was omitted

*In the movies Mulan and Aladdin, the women were more free spirited and less dependent on men. () In this case,
• Disney films begins to break that barrier of gender roles within a relationship as a couple, changing the view of gender expectations similar to this day."
*Walt Disney produced fantasy stories like The Little
• Mermaid 1989; Sleeping Beauty 1959; Beauty and the Beast 1991; Cinderella 1950 and more."
*While the film attempted to challenge the ideology that women can't be adept warriors too, they didn't do so
O without leaving some twisted gender perceptions behind
- most prominently seen in the two songs Ill Make a
Man Out of You' and 'A Girl Worth Fighting For.'
*Disney is one of many film companies to be criticized for portraying an outdated illustration of gender
roles. Although Mulan is the kick butt girl protagonist, a majority of the film consists of male characters... There are still no instances where a Disney protagonist has been the hero without the help of a male counterpart."

"While the film attempted to challenge the ideology that women can't be adept warriors too, they didn't do so without leaving some twisted gender perceptions behind - most prominently seen in the two songs Ill Make a Man Out of You' and 'A Girl Worth Fighting For.'"