Which of the following equations has a different value of than the others? (1 point) x + 0.875 = 1.5; x - 0.025 = 0.6; x - 7/5 = - 3/2 0 x + 9/8 = 7/4

First, let's solve each equation to find the value of x:

1) x + 0.875 = 1.5
Subtract 0.875 from both sides:
x = 1.5 - 0.875
x = 0.625

2) x - 0.025 = 0.6
Add 0.025 to both sides:
x = 0.6 + 0.025
x = 0.625

3) x - 7/5 = -3/2
Add 7/5 to both sides:
x = -3/2 + 7/5
To add the fractions, we need a common denominator, which is 10:
x = -15/10 + 14/10
x = -1/10

4) x + 9/8 = 7/4
Subtract 9/8 from both sides:
x = 7/4 - 9/8
To subtract the fractions, we need a common denominator, which is 8:
x = 14/8 - 9/8
x = 5/8

Now let's compare the values of x we found:
x = 0.625 for equations 1) and 2)
x = -1/10 for equation 3)
x = 5/8 for equation 4)

The equation x + 0.875 = 1.5 has a different value of x than the others.