One of the girls stood on a pump and gave vent to the feelings of her companions in a neat speech, declaring that it was their duty to resist all attempts at cutting down the wages. This was the first time a woman had spoken in public in Lowell, and the event caused surprise and consternation among her audience. It is hardly necessary to say that, so far as practical results are concerned, this strike did no good. The corporation would not come to terms. The girls were soon tired of holding out, and they went back to their work at the reduced rate of wages.

Harriet H. Robinson, "Early Factory Labor in New England," in Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Fourteenth Annual Report

Which statement best describes one unique characteristic of the Lowell factory mills?

AThe Lowell factory mills were the first to employ children.
The Lowell factory mills were the first to employ children.
BThe Lowell factory mills hired actively sought to hire women.
The Lowell factory mills hired actively sought to hire women.
CThe Lowell factory mills were the first to use interchangeable parts.
The Lowell factory mills were the first to use interchangeable parts.
DThe Lowell factory mills were the first textile mills to incorporate the cotton gin.

BThe Lowell factory mills actively sought to hire women.