Based on the line of best fit, how much money would a company ,begin emphasis,most,end emphasis, likely spend on advertising if the company's yearly revenue was $80,000?

To determine how much money a company would likely spend on advertising if its yearly revenue was $80,000, we need to refer to the line of best fit. Unfortunately, as the information regarding the line of best fit is not provided, it is not possible to calculate the corresponding advertising expenditure.

what are all the factor pair of 28

The factors of 28 are pairs of numbers that, when multiplied together, result in 28.

The factor pairs of 28 are:
1 * 28 = 28
2 * 14 = 28
4 * 7 = 28

So, the factor pairs of 28 are (1, 28), (2, 14), and (4, 7).

what represents 0.071

0.071 represents a decimal number, specifically 71 thousandths. It can also be written as 7.1 hundredths or 71/1000 as a fraction.

what example can be mueseurd with volume the lenght of a path the surface of a mirror the amount of sand in a sand castle or the amount of weight in an elevator

An example that can be measured with volume is the amount of sand in a sand castle.