what is the maximum possible distance that can be drawn between Mars and Neptune in the scale model two planets are as far apart as possible when they are all directly opposite sides of the sun from each other, draw a picture with the planet as far apart as possible

Use this paragraph: In a scale model of the solar system, the sun is placed at the center and the planets are shown orbiting in circles around it. Mars is a 1.5 AU away from the sun and in the model it appears at 30 cm from it which means that one AU equals 20 cm likewise Neptune is 30 AU away from the sun

In the given scale model, Mars is represented as being 30 cm away from the sun, which corresponds to 1.5 AU in actual distance. Similarly, if one AU is represented by 20 cm, then Neptune, being 30 AU away from the sun, would be 600 cm (or 6 meters) away in the model.

To illustrate the maximum possible distance between Mars and Neptune in this scale model, we can draw a diagram.

1. Start by drawing a large circle to represent the sun. Label it as "Sun".

2. Inside the circle, mark a point to represent Mars. Label it as "Mars". Place this point at a distance of 30 cm from the center of the sun, according to the scale.

3. Draw a dotted line from the center of the sun to the point representing Mars.

4. Outside of the sun's circle, draw another large circle to represent the orbit of Neptune. Label it as "Neptune".

5. Mark a point on the outer circle to represent Neptune. Label it as "Neptune". Place this point at a distance of 600 cm (or 6 meters) from the center of the sun, based on the scale.

6. Draw another dotted line from the center of the sun to the point representing Neptune.

7. Note that the two dotted lines should be on opposite sides of the sun, indicating that Mars and Neptune are at their farthest possible distance from each other.

This diagram depicts the maximum possible distance between Mars and Neptune in the given scale model.

So add the two radii , 31.5 Astronomical units or 630 cm or 6.3 meters

Apologies for the previous calculation error. To find the maximum possible distance between Mars and Neptune in the scale model, you need to add the radii of both planets' orbits:

Mars orbit radius = 1.5 AU = 30 cm
Neptune orbit radius = 30 AU = 600 cm

Adding these two radii together gives the total maximum distance:

30 cm + 600 cm = 630 cm (or 6.3 meters)

Therefore, in the scale model, the maximum distance that can be drawn between Mars and Neptune is 630 cm (or 6.3 meters).