Write three sentences, each using a comma in a different way. Explain why the comma is needed in each sentence.

1. "I went to the store, bought some groceries, and returned home." In this sentence, the comma is used to separate three independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "and." It helps convey a series of actions performed in sequence, providing clarity and improving readability.

2. "The cat, which was gray and fluffy, curled up on the couch." Here, the comma is used to set off the nonrestrictive relative clause "which was gray and fluffy." It adds additional information about the noun "cat" without changing the essential meaning of the sentence. The comma signals that the relative clause is not integral to identifying the cat and can be omitted without altering the sentence's core message.

3. "Having studied diligently for weeks, she felt confident in her ability to ace the exam." In this sentence, the comma is used after the introductory participial phrase "Having studied diligently for weeks." The comma separates the introductory element from the main clause, helping to avoid confusion and ensuring that readers can easily identify the subject and the verb of the sentence.

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1. "I went to the store, bought groceries, and returned home." The comma separates each item in a series of actions, making the sentence easier to read and understand.

2. "The cat, which was gray and fluffy, curled up." The comma sets off the nonrestrictive relative clause, providing additional information about the cat without changing the sentence's essential meaning.

3. "Having studied diligently, she felt confident." The comma separates the introductory participial phrase from the main clause, clarifying the subject and verb of the sentence.