Square ABCD has vertices A(2,4), B (2,11), C (7,11), and D (7,4). The square ABCD is reflected on the x-axis and the y-axis. Find the coordinates of the vertices for square A prime, B prime, C prime, and D prime. Choose 1 for option A and 2 for option B

To reflect a point $(x,y)$ on the x-axis, the y-coordinate changes sign but the x-coordinate stays the same. Similarly, to reflect a point on the y-axis, the x-coordinate changes sign but the y-coordinate stays the same.

Applying these reflections to each vertex of square ABCD:
- The reflection of A(2,4) on the x-axis is A'(2,-4).
- The reflection of B(2,11) on the x-axis is B'(2,-11).
- The reflection of C(7,11) on the x-axis is C'(7,-11).
- The reflection of D(7,4) on the x-axis is D'(7,-4).

- The reflection of A'(2,-4) on the y-axis is A''(-2,-4).
- The reflection of B'(2,-11) on the y-axis is B''(-2,-11).
- The reflection of C'(7,-11) on the y-axis is C''(-7,-11).
- The reflection of D'(7,-4) on the y-axis is D''(-7,-4).

Hence, the coordinates of the vertices for square A', B', C', and D' are:
A'(2,-4), B'(2,-11), C'(7,-11), and D'(7,-4).

Therefore, the answer is $\boxed{2}$.