Robert has a collection of 26 fishing lures and Lucy has a collection of 34 fish and lures Robert is adding four new lawyers per month to his collection while Lucy is adding two new lures per month to her collection after how many months will Robert and Lucy have the same number of fishing lures right and solve a system of equation

Let's find a system of equations to represent the situation.

Let's assume the number of months it takes for Robert and Lucy to have the same number of fishing lures is represented by 'x'.

After x months, Robert will have: 26 + 4x lures
After x months, Lucy will have: 34 + 2x lures

To find the number of months it takes for Robert and Lucy to have the same number of fishing lures, we set the two expressions equal to each other and solve for x:

26 + 4x = 34 + 2x

Subtracting 2x from both sides: 4x - 2x = 34 - 26
2x = 8

Dividing both sides by 2: x = 4

After 4 months, Robert and Lucy will have the same number of fishing lures.