Find the surface area of a textbook that is 2 in. × 14  in. × 9 in. (1 point)


50 in.2
50 in. squared

172 in.2
172 in. squared

252 in.2
252 in. squared

344 in.2

The surface area of a rectangular prism is found by adding the areas of all six faces.

The two length sides have an area of 2 in. x 14 in. = 28 in.2
The two width sides have an area of 2 in. x 9 in. = 18 in.2
The two height sides have an area of 14 in. x 9 in. = 126 in.2

Adding all the areas together, the surface area is 28 in.2 + 18 in.2 + 126 in.2 = 172 in.2

Therefore, the correct response is 172 in.2