You are a fitness trainer at a local health club training a new client who would be classified as someone new to exercise. Develop a cardiovascular exercise program that is appropriate for your client. In addition to outlining the FITT formula, provide a detailed rationale for your choices. (4 marks)

FITT Principle
(what do each of these letters represent)
Cardiovascular exercise program guidelines:




FITT Principle:

- F: Frequency
- I: Intensity
- T: Time
- T: Type

Cardiovascular exercise program guidelines:
1) Frequency: The client should aim to engage in cardiovascular exercise at least three times per week. This frequency allows for regular stimulus to the cardiovascular system, helping to improve endurance and overall cardiovascular health. Additionally, spacing out the sessions across the week allows for sufficient recovery time between workouts.

2) Intensity: As a beginner, the client should start with a lower intensity level and gradually increase it over time. This can be measured using the client's target heart rate zone, which is usually around 50-70% of their maximum heart rate. By keeping the intensity within this range, the client can ensure they are working at an appropriate level to improve their cardiovascular fitness without placing excessive stress on their body.

3) Time: The initial goal for aerobic exercise duration should be around 20-30 minutes per session. This duration allows for enough time to elevate the heart rate and engage in a continuous activity that promotes cardiovascular conditioning. As the client progresses, the duration can be gradually increased to 45-60 minutes to further challenge their cardiovascular system.

4) Type: For beginners, low-impact cardiovascular exercises, such as walking, swimming, or cycling, are recommended. These exercises are gentle on the joints and muscles, reducing the risk of injury. They also provide a sufficient aerobic challenge to improve cardiovascular fitness. As the client becomes more comfortable and gains more strength and coordination, more challenging activities, such as running or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), can be incorporated into their program to further enhance their cardiovascular conditioning.

- Frequency: Exercising at least three times per week allows for regular cardiovascular training, helping to establish a routine and maintain progress. It also ensures that the client gets enough cardiovascular exercise without overwhelming their bodies with excessive training volume.
- Intensity: Starting at a lower intensity helps prevent injury and allows the client to gradually adapt to the demands of cardiovascular exercise. Working within the target heart rate zone ensures that the exercise is challenging enough to improve cardiovascular fitness without being too strenuous.
- Time: Starting with shorter durations allows the client to build endurance progressively. Eventually increasing the duration challenges the cardiovascular system to adapt further and improve overall fitness levels.
- Type: Incorporating low-impact activities at the beginning reduces the risk of injury, especially for someone new to exercise. As the client becomes accustomed to exercise and gains more strength and coordination, more challenging and diverse activities can be added to maintain their interest and continue progressing.