Fernando loves to make music playlists. He likes to keep the same ratio of country songs to rock songs. On his summer playlist, he has 100 country songs and 24 rock songs. On his road trip playlist, Fernando has 25 country songs.
How many rock songs are on Fernando's road trip playlist?

To determine the number of rock songs on Fernando's road trip playlist, we can use the ratio of country songs to rock songs from his summer playlist.

The ratio of country songs to rock songs on the summer playlist is 100:24, which simplifies to 25:6.

If there are 25 country songs on the road trip playlist, we can set up the following proportion:

25 country songs / x rock songs = 25:6 country songs / rock songs

Cross-multiplying, we get:

25 * rock songs = 25 * 6

Simplifying the equation, we find:

rock songs = 6 * 25 / 25
rock songs = 6

So, there are 6 rock songs on Fernando's road trip playlist.