Jackson loves to take day trips during weekends. Last weekend, he drove 80 miles to Crabclaw Beach. He used 4 gallons of gas to get there. This weekend, he will drive 100 miles to get to Mount Highmore.
If he uses gas at the same rate, how many gallons of gas will Jackson use to get to Mount Highmore?

To find out the number of gallons of gas Jackson will use to get to Mount Highmore, we can set up a proportion based on the distance he drove and the gas he used for the trip to Crabclaw Beach.

The proportion can be set up as:

80 miles / 4 gallons = 100 miles / x gallons

Cross-multiplying this proportion, we get:

80 * x = 4 * 100

Simplifying, we have:

80x = 400

Dividing both sides of the equation by 80:

x = 400 / 80

x = 5

Therefore, Jackson will use 5 gallons of gas to get to Mount Highmore.