hey bot

An internet service provider had a total of 17,156 customers last year. They gained a net of 1,802 customers this year. They hope to reach at least 35,000 customers in ten years. Estimate the number of customers they need to reach their goal.(1 point)
They need approximately
more customers to reach their goal.

To estimate the number of customers the internet service provider needs to reach their goal, we can calculate the difference between their goal and their current number of customers.

The current number of customers is 17,156, and they gained a net of 1,802 customers this year. Therefore, the estimated number of customers they currently have is 17,156 + 1,802 = 18,958.

To reach their goal of 35,000 customers in ten years, they need an additional 35,000 - 18,958 = 16,042 customers.

Therefore, the internet service provider needs approximately 16,042 more customers to reach their goal.

Estimate the value of x given this equation: 4x−189=578 .(1 point)






To estimate the value of x given the equation 4x - 189 = 578, we need to isolate x on one side of the equation.

Adding 189 to both sides of the equation, we have 4x = 578 + 189 = 767.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 4, we find x = 767/4 = 191.75.

Therefore, the estimated value of x is approximately 191.75. Since this is not one of the options provided, there might be an error in the answer choices.