This is the name given by the Nazis to their plan to eliminate all Jewish people from Germany and Europe during World War II.

This is the precise term given to six Nazi installations during the Holocaust that were designed solely to kill people deemed "undesirable" by the Nazi government of Germany.

This term refers to over 1,200 facilities run by Nazi Germany during World War II where the enemies of the Nazis were enslaved, starved, tortured, and killed.

In this 1942 meeting of Nazi leaders, Hitler announced his plan of systematic genocide as the "Final Solution to the Jewish question."

This is the name given to the Nazi-endorsed attacks on German Jews on November 9-10, 1938.

These were the series of anti-Semitic rules and regulations passed in Nazi Germany in 1935.

Death Camp

Nuremberg Laws

Concentration Camps


Final Solution

Mein Kampf

Wannsee Conference

The correct order of the terms is:

1. Final Solution
2. Death Camp
3. Concentration Camps
4. Wannsee Conference
5. Kristallnacht
6. Nuremberg Laws