Solve this system of equations.

1 (4,-11)
2 (1, 10)
3 (-1,4)
4 (-5,-20)

To solve this system of equations, we can use the method of substitution or elimination. Let's use the method of substitution:

From the second equation, we can express y in terms of x by rearranging the equation:
y = -10x - 6

Now substitute this expression for y into the first equation:
-5x - 4(-10x - 6) = -11
-5x + 40x + 24 = -11
35x + 24 = -11
35x = -35
x = -1

Substitute x = -1 back into the second equation to find y:
10(-1) + y = -6
-10 + y = -6
y = -6 + 10
y = 4

The solution to the system of equations is (-1, 4), which corresponds to answer choice 3.