how much is 15 human years in bird years?

The conversion from human years to bird years varies depending on the bird species. On average, small bird species such as budgies or canaries have a lifespan equivalent to that of a human reaching 15 years old. However, larger bird species like parrots or cockatoos can have much longer lifespans, and their aging process is different from humans.

I have a pigeon

Pigeons typically have a shorter lifespan compared to larger parrot species, but it still varies depending on the specific type of pigeon. On average, pigeons can live for around 3 to 5 years. In terms of converting pigeon years to human years, a general estimate often used is that 1 pigeon year is equivalent to 3-5 human years. This means that if your pigeon is 15 years old in human years, it would be around 3-5 years old in pigeon years.