Reflect back on your first semester at Georgia Southern, and answer the following questions.

What do you wish you had known when starting this semester to help support your academic success (such as resources, skills, expectations, etc.)?

What would you have done differently this semester in terms of campus or community engagement?

Did you get involved on campus or in the community outside of your classes? Why or why not?

What can you do to be more successful in the coming semesters?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences or attended Georgia Southern. However, based on common advice for academic success and student experiences, I can provide some general answers to the questions:

1. What do you wish you had known when starting this semester to help support your academic success (such as resources, skills, expectations, etc.)?
- I wish I had known about all the available resources on campus such as tutoring services, academic advisors, and study groups. Understanding how to effectively manage my time and prioritize tasks would have been beneficial, as well as knowing the expectations of professors and understanding the syllabus thoroughly.

2. What would you have done differently this semester in terms of campus or community engagement?
- I would have taken advantage of more campus activities, clubs, and organizations. Building connections with other students through participating in extracurricular activities not only enhances the college experience but also helps in expanding one's network and forming friendships. Getting involved in the community through volunteering or joining community-based organizations would also broaden my perspectives and give back to the society.

3. Did you get involved on campus or in the community outside of your classes? Why or why not?
- Yes, I got involved on campus by joining a club related to my major and attended a few events, but I did not engage much in the community. The reason for limited engagement could be a lack of awareness about opportunities, fear of stepping out of my comfort zone, or simply not finding the time to balance academics and outside activities effectively.

4. What can you do to be more successful in the coming semesters?
- To be more successful in the coming semesters, I can prioritize my time better by creating a schedule or using time-management techniques. Actively seeking out academic support, such as attending office hours, will also be beneficial. Additionally, I can focus on strengthening my study skills, finding effective study methods, and regularly reviewing class materials. Increasing my involvement on campus and within the community will enhance my overall college experience and personal growth. It is crucial to step out of my comfort zone, take on leadership roles, and participate in activities that align with my interests and goals.