Investigate how the Maya and the Olmec showed continuity economically.They both traded limestone.

They both farmed corn.

They both had money systems.

They both farmed cacao.

The Maya and the Olmec civilizations both showed continuity economically in several ways:

1. Trade: Both civilizations were actively engaged in long-distance trade networks, which allowed them to exchange goods and resources with other regions. One of the significant traded commodities by both cultures was limestone, which was vital for construction purposes.

2. Agriculture: Both the Maya and the Olmec civilizations relied heavily on agriculture for their sustenance. Corn (maize) was a crucial crop grown by both civilizations and served as a staple food source. The cultivation of corn played a central role in their economies, providing food for the population and forming the foundation of their agricultural systems.

3. Money Systems: Both the Maya and Olmec civilizations had their respective money systems, although they differed in their specific forms. The Maya used cacao beans as a form of currency, which was highly sought after and extensively traded throughout Mesoamerica. On the other hand, the Olmecs had a complex barter system, where goods were exchanged directly without the need for a formalized currency.

4. Cacao Farming: Another economic continuity between the Maya and the Olmec civilizations was the cultivation of cacao. Both cultures recognized the value of cacao beans and their importance as a trade commodity. Cacao had various uses, including as a form of currency, for ritual purposes, and as a beverage. The cultivation and trading of cacao played a significant role in the economic activities of both civilizations.

These economic similarities indicate a certain level of continuity between the Maya and the Olmec civilizations, as they both engaged in similar economic practices such as trade, agriculture, the use of currency, and the cultivation of specific crops like corn and cacao.

pick one of the aswers

Sure! Let's focus on the economic continuity between the Maya and the Olmec civilizations regarding their use of cacao as a traded commodity.