What is the surface area in square inches of a cone with radius of 10 inches and a slant height of 15 inches? Use 3.144 pi one point.

The surface area of a cone can be calculated using the formula:

Surface area = πr² + πrl

where r is the radius and l is the slant height.

Radius (r) = 10 inches
Slant height (l) = 15 inches

Using the formula:
Surface area = πr² + πrl
Surface area = 3.144 * (10)² + 3.144 * (10) * (15)
Surface area = 3.144 * 100 + 3.144 * 10 * 15
Surface area = 314.4 + 3.144 * 10 * 15
Surface area = 314.4 + 471.6
Surface area = 786 square inches

Therefore, the surface area of the cone is 786 square inches.