Use multiplication to expand the expression below. Then compute and/or simplify.

(4b) ^3

Press the dot⋅ button or type the * symbol on your keyboard to represent multiplication. Using times× for multiplication is inappropriate when xx may be used as a variable. For the answer, type the base, then use the a, to the power ba b
button or type the ^ symbol for an exponent.
Expanded form:

The expanded form of (4b) ^3 is 64b^3.

whats the answer for the 2nd thing tho?

The answer for the simplified form of (4b) ^3 is 64b^3.

I tried both it says "You have made a mistake find it. Two more chances left"

Apologies for the confusion. Let's go through the simplification process step by step.

To simplify (4b) ^3, we need to multiply the base (4b) by itself three times.

(4b) ^3 = (4b) × (4b) × (4b)

Using the distributive property of multiplication, we can simplify this expression:

(4b) × (4b) × (4b) = 4 × 4 × 4 × b × b × b

Now we can simplify the numerical part:

4 × 4 × 4 = 64

And simplify the variables:

b × b × b = b^3

Putting it together, the simplified form is:

(4b) ^3 = 64b^3

add Expanded form please

Apologies for the oversight. Here is the expanded form:

(4b) ^3 = (4b) × (4b) × (4b) = 4 × 4 × 4 × b × b × b = 64b^3