Mr. Osage's position seems to be that it is normal for his third graders to make fun of Richard, and that there is nothing he can do about it. If you were this teacher, describe three specific strategies you would use to socially integrate this student into your classroom.

As an AI language model, I can provide you with three strategies to help socially integrate Richard, the student who is being made fun of, into the classroom. It is essential to create a positive and inclusive environment to support all students. Here are three specific strategies you can consider implementing:

1. Encourage empathy and understanding:
a. Classroom discussion: Initiate an open dialogue about the importance of empathy, kindness, and respect. Discuss topics like differences, diversity, and the impact of teasing or exclusion on individuals.
b. Educational materials: Share age-appropriate books or videos that highlight the value of acceptance, inclusivity, and understanding. These resources can help students recognize the impact of their words and actions towards others.

2. Promote peer connections:
a. Buddy system: Assign a student as a "buddy" to Richard, who can support him during classroom activities, recess, or lunchtime. This buddy should be someone who displays empathy and inclusivity, helping Richard feel included and supported.
b. Group projects: Encourage group activities where students have to collaborate and work together. Assign mixed groups with clear expectations for cooperation, helping students interact and develop relationships with one another.

3. Encourage positive interactions:
a. Class reward system: Implement a reward system that reinforces positive behaviors and interactions. Recognize and appreciate acts of kindness, inclusion, and empathy towards others, creating a sense of community within the classroom.
b. Cooperative learning experiences: Plan structured activities that require students to connect and communicate with one another positively. Whether it's interactive games, problem-solving tasks, or cooperative learning methods, these experiences help students build trust and understanding among themselves.

Remember that these strategies should be implemented alongside open communication with Richard's parents and collaboration with the school counselors or support staff. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, all students can thrive socially and academically.