During the study, 841 of these STEM professionals became a partner. What career choices did these new parents make? Use the information in the two-way table to make a segmented bar chart to show the relationship between career path and type of parent.

+6 PTS


To create a segmented bar chart showing the relationship between career path and type of parent, we can use the information provided in the two-way table.

First, we need to calculate the total number of STEM professionals for each career path. From the table, we can see that:
- 86 STEM professionals are doctors
- 219 STEM professionals are engineers
- 322 STEM professionals are scientists
- 214 STEM professionals are other professionals

Next, we need to determine the number of partners for each career path. From the table, we can see that:
- 32 doctors became partners
- 143 engineers became partners
- 395 scientists became partners
- 271 other professionals became partners

Now, we can create the segmented bar chart.

The x-axis of the chart represents the career path categories - doctors, engineers, scientists, and other professionals.

The y-axis represents the number of professionals, which will be divided into two segments - those who became partners and those who did not become partners.

The segmented bars will show the number of professionals who became partners and the number of professionals who did not become partners for each career path.

Here is an example of how the segmented bar chart may look:

| Partners |
| D | E | S | O | Total STEM |
Parents| 32 | 143 | 395 | 271 | 841 |
No Par | 54 | 76 | 489 | 74 | 693 |
Total | 86 | 219 | 884 | 345 | 1534 |

In this chart, the blue segment represents the number of STEM professionals who became partners, and the gray segment represents the number of STEM professionals who did not become partners.

Please note that the numbers used in this example are fictional and do not reflect the actual data provided in the question. You will need to use the actual numbers from the two-way table to create an accurate segmented bar chart.