<J and <M are base angles of isosceles trapezoid JKLM. If m<J= 22x+5 and m<M = 18x+17, find m<K (1 point) Responses 151 degrees 151 degrees 109 degrees 109 degrees 3 degrees 3 degrees 71 degrees

Since JKLM is an isosceles trapezoid, the base angles J and M are congruent.

So, we can set up the equation:
22x + 5 = 18x + 17
4x = 12
x = 3
Now we can substitute x back into one of the angle equations to find m<J or m<M.
m<J = 22(3) + 5 = 66 + 5 = 71
Therefore, m<K = 180 - 2(m<J) = 180 - 2(71) = 180 - 142 = 38 degrees.