Can YOU curl your tongue up on the sides?

Scientists Debunk Familiar Tongue-Rolling Lore | HuffPost Impact

We are pretending that tongue-curling in humans is a dominant genetic trait.

Suppose a man who is Tt for tongue-curling marries a woman who is also Tt for this trait. What are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of their children, and the percent chance for each?

Genotype : TT, Tt, tt

Phenotype (curl or no curl): (blank 1),(blank 3), (blank 5)

Percent Chance (number only): (blank 2),(blank 4), (blank 6)

Genotype : TT, Tt, tt

Phenotype (curl or no curl): Curl, Curl, No curl

Percent Chance (number only): 25%, 50%, 25%