What TWO of the following represents a linear function with the same slope as the table below?

x | y
-4 | 14
-2 | 8
3 | -7
5 | -13

Cynthia has $200 in her savings account and spends $3 per day on coffee.
James increases his muscle mass by 3 kg per day.

The slope of a linear function can be found by calculating the change in y divided by the change in x.

For the table:
change in y = -13 - (-7) = -13 + 7 = -6
change in x = 5 - 3 = 2

slope = change in y / change in x = -6 / 2 = -3

From the given options:
1) 6x - 2y = 12
This equation does not have the same slope as the table.

2) James increases his muscle mass by 3 kg per day.
This statement represents a linear function with a slope of 3, which is not equal to the slope of the table.

Therefore, neither of the options represents a linear function with the same slope as the table.