find the greatest common factor of 46 and 69


The greatest common factor of 46 and 69 is 23.

given the sum 77 = 22 + 55 rewrite 22 + 55 using their GFC and multiplication

To rewrite 22 + 55 using their greatest common factor (GCF) and multiplication, we first need to find the GCF of 22 and 55, which is 11.

22 can be rewritten as 11 * 2.

55 can be rewritten as 11 * 5.

So, 22 + 55 can be rewritten as (11 * 2) + (11 * 5).

Expanding the equation, we get 22 + 55 = 11(2 + 5).

Simplifying further, 2 + 5 is equal to 7.

Therefore, 22 + 55 can be rewritten as 11 * 7.