Square a has an area 25 units^2 and Square c has an area of 70 units^2 what must be the area of b

The area of square a is 25 units^2 and the area of square c is 70 units^2.

To find the area of square b, we can first find the side lengths of squares a and c.

The side length of square a can be found by taking the square root of its area:
√(25 units^2) = 5 units

The side length of square c can also be found by taking the square root of its area:
√(70 units^2) ≈ 8.37 units

Since the side length of square b is the average of the side lengths of squares a and c, we can find it by taking the average of 5 units and 8.37 units:
(5 units + 8.37 units) / 2 ≈ 6.685 units

Now, we can calculate the area of square b by squaring its side length:
(6.685 units)^2 ≈ 44.70 units^2

Therefore, the area of square b must be approximately 44.70 units^2.