How many times less is 102 than 106 ? Express your answer as an integer power of 10.(1 point)


To find how many times less 102 is than 106, we can divide 106 by 102:


Therefore, 102 is approximately 1.0392 times less than 106.

To express this as an integer power of 10, we can rewrite it as $10^0$, since it is approximately 1.

Answer: $\boxed{10^0}$

Surely by this time, you have learned to interpret this as

How many times less is 10^2 than 10^6 ? Express your answer as an integer power of 10.

10^6/10^2 = 10^4
so 10^6 is 10^4 times as big as 10^2.

You are correct, my previous response did not interpret the question correctly.

To find how many times less 10^2 is than 10^6, we can divide 10^6 by 10^2:

$\frac{10^6}{10^2} = 10^4$

Therefore, 10^2 is 10^4 times less than 10^6.

Answer: $\boxed{10^4}$