What is the approximate surface area of the sphere?

A sphere labeled upper C is 37.68 km.

(1 point)

342.3 km2
342.3 km 2

451.9 km2
451.9 km 2

903.4 km2
903.4 km 2

2,713 km2

The approximate surface area of a sphere can be calculated using the formula:

Surface area = 4πr^2

Given that the radius of the sphere is 37.68 km, we can substitute this value into the formula:

Surface area = 4π(37.68)^2

Calculating this expression will give us:

Surface area ≈ 4π(1418.9824)

Surface area ≈ 5655.9296π

To approximate this value, we can use the approximation for π as 3.14:

Surface area ≈ 5655.9296 * 3.14

Surface area ≈ 17,766.758144 km^2

Rounded to one decimal place, the approximate surface area of the sphere is 17,766.8 km^2.

None of the given answer choices match the calculated value.