Find the volume and surface area of a rectangular box.

6in 4in 5in

To find the volume of a rectangular box, you need to multiply the length, width, and height together.

Volume = length * width * height

Given the dimensions of the box as 6in (length), 4in (width), and 5in (height):

Volume = 6in * 4in * 5in
Volume = 120 cubic inches

To find the surface area of a rectangular box, you need to find the area of each of the six sides and add them together.

Surface Area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

Given the dimensions of the box as 6in (length), 4in (width), and 5in (height):

Surface Area = 2*6*4 + 2*6*5 + 2*4*5
Surface Area = 48 + 60 + 40
Surface Area = 148 square inches