Which statement about the roller coaster in the image below is true?

-Position A on the roller coaster is at the highest point.
-Position B on the roller coaster is below Position A as the car travels down the track.
-Position C on the roller coaster is located at the bottom right of the image.
-Position D on the roller coaster is located at the bottom left of the image at the lowest point.

(1 point)

There is maximum potential energy and minimum kinetic energy at position A on the roller coaster above.

The potential energy is greatest at position B on the roller coaster above.

There is no kinetic energy at positions C and D on the roller coaster above.

The potential energy and kinetic energy are the same at all positions on the roller coaster above.
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The statement "Position A on the roller coaster is at the highest point" is true.

Which of the hydroelectric dams described below would provide the most hydroelectric power?

Hydroelectric dam

(1 point)

A dam with a fall height of 175 feet will provide the most hydroelectric power.

A dam with a fall height of 75 feet will provide the most hydroelectric power.

A dam with a fall height of 135 feet will provide the most hydroelectric power.

A dam with a fall height of 100 feet will provide the most hydroelectric power.
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The statement "A dam with a fall height of 175 feet will provide the most hydroelectric power" is most likely to be true.

Why are the turbines for hydroelectric dams located far below the top of the dam?

Hydroelectric dams are used to generate hydroelectric power (hydroelectricity)
The turbines are inside and located far below the top of this hydroelectric dam

(1 point)

so the water does not lose too much potential energy before reaching the turbines

so the potential energy of the water can increase greatly before reaching the turbines

so the kinetic energy of the water can increase greatly before reaching the turbines

so the water does not lose too much kinetic energy before reaching the turbines
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The correct statement is "so the water does not lose too much potential energy before reaching the turbines." By locating the turbines far below the top of the dam, the potential energy of the water can be harnessed more effectively to generate hydroelectric power.

Describe where the potential energy is the greatest on the image. (Please be sure to explain your reasoning using a complete sentence that begins with an uppercase letter and ends with a period.)

Child is swinging back and forth. Position Z at the back. Position Y at the bottom. Position X at the front.

The potential energy is the greatest at Position X, at the front, because when the child is at the highest point of the swing, they have the most potential energy due to their position relative to the ground.

Describe where the kinetic energy is the greatest on the image. (Please be sure to explain your reasoning using a complete sentence that begins with an uppercase letter and ends with a period.)

Child swinging

(2 points)

The kinetic energy is the greatest when the child is at Position Y, at the bottom, because at this point the child is moving with the highest speed, and kinetic energy is directly proportional to the square of the velocity. Therefore, as the child reaches the lowest point of the swing, their speed is maximized, resulting in the greatest kinetic energy.