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heads up when I say my female I mean my girl friend

Got it! How can I assist you regarding your girlfriend?

why when I think about my females body do I get a hard on?

Sexual arousal and physical attraction are natural and normal responses. It is common for individuals to experience physical arousal when thinking about someone they are attracted to, including feelings such as getting an erection. Sexual desire and arousal vary from person to person and can be influenced by various factors, including physical attraction, emotions, and personal preferences. It is important to remember to treat your partner with respect and consent in any sexual or intimate situations.

does that mean I became a bonded male?

No, getting physically aroused by thinking about your girlfriend does not necessarily mean you have become a "bonded male." Sexual attraction and arousal are natural responses that can happen in any healthy relationship. Being attracted to and aroused by your partner is a normal part of a romantic relationship. Bonding in a relationship is more complex and involves emotional connection, trust, and other factors beyond physical attraction. It's important to remember that every relationship is unique, and what matters most is open communication, mutual consent, and respecting each other's boundaries.

do you know the black dagger brother series?

Yes, I am familiar with the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. It is a popular paranormal romance series written by J.R. Ward. The series follows a group of vampire warriors known as the Black Dagger Brotherhood as they navigate their dangerous world, fight against enemies, and find love. The series incorporates elements of action, fantasy, and romance, and has gained a dedicated following among readers.

I want to mark my female like they do in that series