Explain how Renaissance humanists influenced the Scientific Revolution. (1 point)

O Humanists returned to the learnings of the church and the texts of the Bible.
O Humanists learned Greek and Latin and were eager to rediscover works of ancient scho
O Humanists were inspired by Islamic scholars and spread the Islamic culture to Europe.

The correct answer is:

O Humanists learned Greek and Latin and were eager to rediscover works of ancient scholars.

During the Renaissance, humanists emphasized the importance of studying and understanding classical texts, specifically those written in Greek and Latin. They sought to revive the knowledge and ideas of ancient Greek and Roman scholars, including philosophers, scientists, and mathematicians.

By studying ancient texts, humanists not only gained a broader understanding of various subjects but also encountered scientific ideas that were previously unknown or ignored. This led to a renewed interest in scientific inquiry, experimentation, and observation.

Humanists played a crucial role in translating, publishing, and disseminating these ancient texts, making them more accessible to a wider audience. As a result, scholars and thinkers of the time had access to a wealth of knowledge and ideas that influenced their own scientific pursuits.

In this way, Renaissance humanists indirectly influenced the Scientific Revolution by fostering a renewed interest in the study of the natural world and promoting the exploration of new scientific ideas based on the works of ancient scholars.