keep the lid on it, Pandora

conflict:_______VS_______ internal/external?why?

Internal vs external conflict.

Internal conflict refers to a struggle within the mind or emotions of a character, while external conflict involves a confrontation or opposition between a character and an outside force. In the phrase "keep the lid on it, Pandora," the conflict can be seen as an internal conflict for Pandora.

The phrase "keep the lid on it" implies that Pandora is struggling to control or contain something within herself. This suggests an internal conflict wherein Pandora is battling with her own emotions or desires, trying to prevent them from getting out or causing harm. It may represent her struggle to resist temptation or resist the urge to open the forbidden box in the Greek myth.

While external forces could be present in the story, such as the gods or other characters who may want her to open the box, the phrase itself emphasizes the internal aspect of Pandora's conflict. The focus is on her own self-control and the internal battle she is facing.