Fill in the spaces to solve each step of the problem 1/4(x+3)=5 .(2 points)

Step 1: (BLANK)14(x+3)=5(BLANK).
Step 2: x+3= BLANK
Step 3: Subtract BLANK from both sides.
Step 4: x= BLANK

Step 1: (Multiply both sides by 4)

Step 2: x+3=20
Step 3: Subtract 3 from both sides.
x= 17
Step 4: x= 17

what are the 4 steps to solve the problem 1/4(x+3)=5

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by 4 to get rid of the fraction.

4 * (1/4)(x+3) = 4 * 5
(x+3) = 20

Step 2: Simplify the equation.
x + 3 = 20

Step 3: Subtract 3 from both sides to isolate the variable.
x + 3 - 3 = 20 - 3
x = 17

Step 4: The solution to the equation is x = 17.

Marbles come in two sizes: 1-inch diameter and 2-inch diameter. The 1-inch diameter marbles cost 30 cents less than the 2-inch marbles. Rochelle buys 25 1-inch marbles for her science project and spends exactly $10. Find the cost of a 2-inch marble.(1 point)




