Bags of clementines have 12 each. For a party, Sal, Trisha, and Joe each brought bags of clementines. Altogether, there were 180 clementines. Sal brought 4 bags and Joe brought 6. Write the equation to determine how many bags Trisha brought, t .(2 points)


The equation to determine how many bags Trisha brought, t, is:

4 + 6 + t = 180

That doesnt follow my BLANK(T+BLANK)=BLANK format

also explain why you got the answer

Apologies for not following the specific format. The equation can be represented as:

t + (4 + 6) = 180

In this equation, t represents the number of bags Trisha brought, 4 represents the number of bags Sal brought, and 6 represents the number of bags Joe brought. The sum of these quantities should be equal to the total number of clementines, which is 180.