Did YAQUIS believe lightning was a source of death was a punishment from the gods, was a source of fire was a gift from the gods

The Yaqui people, an indigenous group of Mexico, have traditional beliefs and spiritual practices that include reverence for natural elements, including lightning. However, it is important to note that Yaqui beliefs can vary among individuals and may have changed over time due to outside influences.

In Yaqui cosmology, thunder and lightning are associated with powerful deities and considered important forces of nature. They believe that lightning is a manifestation of divine power and can influence various aspects of their lives. Lightning is seen as a connection between the spiritual and physical realms, symbolizing both destruction and renewal.

While it is difficult to generalize the beliefs of an entire culture, it is unlikely that Yaquis would solely view lightning as a source of death or punishment from the gods. Instead, they might regard it as a force that brings change, transformation, and, at times, destruction. The gift of fire, on the other hand, is not explicitly associated with lightning in Yaqui beliefs. Fire has its own unique symbolism and significance in various cultural contexts.

It is crucial to recognize that indigenous beliefs are diverse, and interpretations can differ within different communities and individuals. Therefore, it's always best to consult firsthand sources or engage with Yaqui community members directly to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their specific beliefs surrounding lightning and other natural phenomena.