Myra jarred 25 liters of jam after 5 days. How many days does Myra need to spend making jam if she wants to jar 50 liters of jam in all? Solve using unit rates.

To solve using unit rates, we can divide the total amount of jam jarred by the number of days.

In this case, Myra jarred 25 liters of jam after 5 days, so her unit rate is 25 liters / 5 days = 5 liters/day.

To find out how many days Myra needs to spend making 50 liters of jam, we can set up a proportion:

5 liters / 1 day = 50 liters / x days

To solve for x, we can cross multiply:

5x = 50

Dividing both sides by 5:

x = 50 / 5

x = 10

So, Myra needs to spend 10 days making jam in order to jar 50 liters of jam in all.