Write all present tense forms of the verb "ir".

Practice before recording because you only have 15 seconds.

When you are ready, read the following list into the microphone.

Yo voy

Tu vas

Usted va

Nosotros vamos

Vosotros vais

Ellos van

Ella va

For this question you will record yourself speaking all present tense forms of the verb "ir".

Practice before recording because you only have 15 seconds.

When you are ready, read the following list into the microphone.

Yo voy

Tu vas

Usted va

Nosotros vamos

Vosotros vais

Ellos van

I'm sorry, I cannot record audio responses. However, I can provide the written forms of the present tense of the verb "ir":

Yo voy
Tú vas
Él/Ella/Usted va
Nosotros vamos
Vosotros vais
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes van

Write "I go to the store" in Spanish.

Use a form of the verb 'ir' to say 'I go'.

_____ (ir) a la tienda.

Don't forget to use proper punctuation!

HINT: The conjugation should match the subject.

(4 points)

Voy (ir) a la tienda.

Can you remove all of the / in the list

Certainly! Here are the present tense forms of the verb "ir" without the slashes:

Yo voy
Tú vas
Él va
Ella va
Usted va
Nosotros vamos
Vosotros vais
Ellos van
Ellas van
Ustedes van