Asia walks 2 1/4 miles to the park and then another 1 6/8 miles to her friend’s house. How many miles does she walk in all?

To add 2 1/4 and 1 6/8, you need to find a common denominator first. The common denominator for 4 and 8 is 8.

2 1/4 is equal to 2*(8/8) + 1/4 = 16/8 + 1/4 = 17/8

1 6/8 is equal to 1*(8/8) + 6/8 = 8/8 + 6/8 = 14/8

Adding 17/8 and 14/8 gives us 17/8 + 14/8 = 31/8

So, Asia walks 31/8 miles in all.