The Great dying which saw 96% of all species Extinct was partially caused by

The Great Dying, also known as the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event, was caused by a combination of factors, including but not limited to:

1. Volcanic activity: Some researchers believe that massive volcanic eruptions in what is now Siberia released large amounts of greenhouse gases, leading to global warming and acidification of the oceans. This could have disrupted the climate balance and caused widespread ecological changes.

2. Climate change: The release of greenhouse gases from volcanic activity could have caused extreme global warming, leading to rapid changes in climate patterns and ecosystems. This could have affected marine and terrestrial organisms, making them more susceptible to extinction.

3. Ocean anoxic events: It is believed that the eruption of massive amounts of lava during the Siberian Traps formation led to the release of massive amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. This, in turn, caused widespread oxygen depletion in the oceans, leading to the death of many marine organisms.

4. Acidic oceans: The release of carbon dioxide from volcanic activity could have led to ocean acidification, making it difficult for marine organisms to form shells and skeletons. This would have had a cascading effect on the entire marine food web.

5. Habitat destruction: The ecological disruptions caused by volcanic activity and climate change could have led to widespread habitat destruction, making it difficult for many species to survive.

6. Feedback loops: The initial impacts of volcanic activity and climate change, such as ocean acidification and oxygen depletion, could have triggered feedback loops that further exacerbated the extinction event.

It is important to note that the exact causes and mechanisms of the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event are still a subject of scientific research and debate. The above factors are some of the leading hypotheses, and it may have been a combination of several factors that ultimately led to the mass extinction.