Record temperature of water.
Put ice in water.
Record temperature after ice melts.
Put ice in water.
Touch water to determine if it feels colder after ice melts.
Measure the mass of the water.
Put ice in water.
Measure the mass of water as ice cube melts.
Determine temperature and mass of water.
Put ice in water.
Record the time for ice to melt.

A student lists some possible ways to investigate the transfer of kinetic energy using ice in a sample of water. Which procedure would be best to investigate the transfer of kinetic energy?





The best procedure to investigate the transfer of kinetic energy would be procedure 1. This is because it involves directly measuring the temperature of the water before and after the ice melts, which provides quantitative data on the transfer of thermal energy (which is a form of kinetic energy). The other procedures either do not directly measure the transfer of kinetic energy or do not provide quantitative data.