using the formula for the volume of a right rectangular prism, what is the area of the base when the volume is 50 cubic units and the height is 2?

a 200 square units
b 25 square units
c 75 square units
d 100 square units

The formula for the volume of a right rectangular prism is given by:

Volume = Length x Width x Height

We are given that the volume is 50 cubic units and the height is 2 units. Let's assume the length and width are represented by "x" and "y" units, respectively.

Therefore, the equation becomes:

50 = x * y * 2

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2, we get:

25 = x * y

To find the area of the base, we need to find the product of the length and width, which is given by:

Area of Base = Length x Width = x * y

Since we have already found that x * y = 25, the area of the base is 25 square units.

Therefore, the answer is (b) 25 square units.